:New Hope:

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Coming up next?

Trip to the Zoo with Xiao Bu Dian hee.. Hee... having complains from my dear friend living with the squirrels in NUS about the delay in posting up photos of xiao bu dian at the zoo hee..

so my friend, here are the photos hee..you can go to the other blog (you know which one...) and take a look at the monkeys and other animals that mastermind has posted there hee.. have fun hee...

This is her running towards me wahaha

This is her posing for a nice photo shoot

Wanna see wat's catching her attention? hee.. scroll down then hee..

Sun Bears!!!

Eek! Tiger

Gu... turtle~~~~

sucre Frozen on 9:05 AM

Hope down to the near by west "coast" park... sigh.. the nice park in the west without a beach.. sheesh...

Can you spot the little birdie?

Here it is

Won't it be nice to have a house so near to the park???

sucre Frozen on 9:02 AM

Woah! First dip into the baby pool at Clementi Swimming Complex with xiao bu dian recently hee...

What's so nice about the pool? hee... it has a rather rough pool flooring which helps to prevent children from slipping easily in the pool. In addition, the deepest part of the pool is at a mere 0.45m which allows children to walk around safety... of course... parents will still have to watch over their children at all times... nothing is 100% safe... hee..

Oh and the best part is... xiao bu dian gets to use the pool as if it's her private pool... why? cause she's the only baby there when we brought her to the pool... hee..

Here are some photos of her in the pool taken by mastermind using his H1 hee.. Cool!!!

Hm.. Over exposure


Like Gong Gong Like Xiao Bu Dian

Aww... isn't she a cutie?

DSC00270 edit

Haha... she's was caught of guard by mastermind who was trying to capture an image of her running happily towards him hee...

sucre Frozen on 8:46 AM

Friday, December 16, 2005

Hee.. went out with some friends recently to the Settlers.


It's not a bad place to hang out... it's all air-conditioned with lots of games to play with while enjoying free flow of drinks... at a price of course...

The happy hour of the shop is from 2pm to 6pm... with free flow of drinks and free flow of games at S$5 and if you top it up with another S$5, you'll get to order a nice meal to enjoy while playing games...

Oh and the best deal about going to this place.... according to a cute friend of mine (whose identity will be kept secret, of course) is the nice washroom and THE CUTE WAITERES (for the girls to feast their eyes on) and from my point of view, the waitresses are quite pretty too.. and most importantly, the service is not bad!

Some of the games that we played today includes, pictionary, pit, urm... think i can't remember the names of the rest... need to ask some of my friends for the names hee.... oh and they have monopoly (disney, star wars and the dog versions) hee...

So if you're looking for a nice to hang out with your friends during this holi, The Settlers is a nice place to visit....

sucre Frozen on 9:04 PM

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Came home from hs's birthday party yesterday with a pocket full of things to blog about hee..

Take a look at Votre Coeur to find out more about Operation Lost Lamb and have a peep into XianXian for details on the juicy new of the lastest scandal that's happening to our physics cohort wahaha...

Photos will be posted as soon as I received them from hs...

sucre Frozen on 8:45 AM

Saw some of the nice photos taken by mastermind....here are some of them...

Here's the birdie that was found having breakfast on mastermind's chilli plant

Here's the back view of the pretty birdie

Pretty pretty...


Wonder how on earth did he managed to get close enough to take the photos without scaring off the birdie.... hee... [the answer had been obtained from mastermind....(",) ]

sucre Frozen on 8:40 AM

Hee... what a day!

Brought xiao bu dian for a swim at clementi swimming complex last Wednesday.

Despite living in the west for more than 10 years, I've yet to step into the baby pool and wed was my first step into the tiny pool hee...

Photos will be posted soon. hee....

sucre Frozen on 8:34 AM

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Here are some cute photos of my darling hee...

This is her and her mummy on the boat to the island... the boat is a 12 seater mini boat with air-con hee...

This is my darling niece playing before bed time

Towel... wonder what she's doing... cleaning her hands???

Telling bedtime stories to Elmo...

xiao bu dian, with her mummy, grandpa and grandma


Xiao bu dian with mi mi and the light house hee...

sucre Frozen on 10:43 AM

Sunday, December 04, 2005

At a certain point of time in life, you would just feel like going away to some place where there's no one.. some might call it anti-social, but to me, it's just a place for me to relax and to be with my family... and my choice of hideout would be sultan shoal - an island out in the sea.

Here are some photos taken at that island... more beauitful pictures can be found via clicking on the first link to other blogs....

Sunrise at the island


Now you see it now you don't~~

Sultan Shoal is an island that is no bigger than a soccer field where all around is just the sky and sea... where the first thing you see out of the window is an endless view of the sea... though you do get to see some ships there and there... nonetheless, it's something that you won't get to enjoy everyday... can you image a day when you won't get any call from anyone and all you do is to fish, enjoy the nice sea view, have a swim in the nice pool without anyone but just your family with you on an island?

It might seems rather boring to some people out there who can't stand a day without having a chat or sms on their handphone, who can't survive having absolutely nothing to do and must be out of their house doing things that ranges from shopping for the whole day to hanging out at ktv... but to me, I would gladly choose this lifestyle over the other entertainments as mentioned above...

why so? It's just my choice of life...some may share my point of view while others might not... but what ever it is, I believe everyone has the right to live their life the way they wanted it and not conform to what others are doing...and I do respect the different types of lifestyle because life's not long, so do enjoy it the way you wanted to....

Take care! (",)

sucre Frozen on 10:29 PM


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