:New Hope:

Monday, April 19, 2010

It worked!

After sharing with Mastermind this little video clip (introduced to it by a daddy-to-be), we decided to try it out on his niece.

And.. you know what! It worked!!! OMG!


sucre Frozen on 10:33 AM

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Greetings from Chicago, Illinois

On the way back home, we took a day break to stay at one of the hotel situated within the O'Hare Airport. Where, we were fortunate to get a nice view of the O'Hare Airport!!!

Here are some nice views of the airport that we took hee.. enjoy!







The mystical downtown of Chicago

Next up, Hong Kong!

sucre Frozen on 10:41 AM

Monday, June 22, 2009

Greetings from Michigan, Traverse City

Went on an eye opening trip to the states this June holidays and got ourselves a whole lot of photos to share! ^^

Here's to you from Traverse City, Michigan. A nice little place to go to for a cozy family outing... superb weather too!! Though we had both a tornado and an influenza scare over there! Phew! Thank goodness we were both alright!! Last day of self-quarantine!!! Woohoo!!!!



That was taken on the plane from Tokyo to Chicago... Super tiring flight I would say...



The fun thing on a road trip? Get your hubby to drive.. hee.. so that you know are always in safe hands and that you can take photos while on the road!

Photos below are taken at this wonderful natural reserve at Michigan with no post processing.

It tells a story of how a mother bear was forced to swim across the lake with her two young cubs due to a forest fire. In the midst of their swim, the cubs got lost and she searched frantically for them for days. As days go by, her strength deteriorates till the point where she had no choice but to swim ashore to this little part of the Michigan state. There she laid till this day, watching over the sea, awaiting for the return of her cubs...






















While it was fun taking images of scenic places.. I got my first try at taking birds in flight... hee.. while the images are definitely not top quality images... I'm still pretty happy that I got some "ok" angles hee..



and dog on the run!


Had to over expose the image to show the details on the coat :p


That's the beach where we saw the sea gulls

and look what we found on the beach... a caterpillar! and a hairy one too!



Well, that's all for Michigan! Next up, Chicago!!!

sucre Frozen on 5:05 PM

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Physicx. LoVe. MathematicX

Took a night break with Mastermind for a late night movie at JP - to watch a show that was only introduced on 2 days ago. While Mastermind had been hearing about the movie on radio, I read it on a magazine which gave it 4 popcorns. What's the thing about it that captures our attention?

A simple story between a physicist and a mathematician.

Never would we expect to be in for a ride.

To not reveal too much of the story and hence spoilt the show for anyone reading this. Let's just say....

Is it more interesting to create an unsolvable question, or to be solving an unsolvable question?

To people like us who hasn't been stepping into the theatre ever since the pricing of movie tickets starts to soar... this was definitely a must watch movie! Good enough to leave us chatting about it all the way from the theatre into the car... to home... and to conduct mini experiments test out the concept shown in the movie at midnight.

What's that concept?

Conservation of MomEntUm.

A Simple yet interesting way of presenting how momentum could be observed using a simple track, a few metal spheres and a magnet.

and Who says watching movie was bad for students (of course depending on the choice of movie) ... in this show, you learn things like effect of magnetic fields, the four color theorm, what are p and np problems etc....

Wanna know more about it? Go have a look at the movie, definitely worth the tickets. Hee..
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sucre Frozen on 8:19 AM

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Kiwi Trip 5

Through the rocky mountain road, we came to the edge of the retreating glacier where our nature loving tour guide actually went down to the glacier and brought up pieces of ice floating near the edge of the valley.. Here's a piece of them showing how small pieces of rocks were frozen in the ice as the glacier moved across the mountains...

This is another type of ice showing how the ices actually formed layer by layer.. it all started off with one layer.. and slowly over each winter.. the remaining snow get compressed and frozen at the end of each winter and thus formed one layer of the ice... if you look at the ice carefully.. you'll be able to tell how thick was the snow fall for each year based on the separation between each individual layer of ice... interestingly... the tour guide mentioned that there is a slight reduction in thickness of the ices in recent years... ie.. lesser snow fall... sniff*

Mt Cook.. Birth place of the glacier...

A very sentimental picture captured by mastermind... triggers off tons of imaginations and feelings....

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sucre Frozen on 2:35 PM

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Kiwi Trip 4

Here's something different from mastermind's blog... so shan... don't complain about me borrowing his posts any more yap hee..

The following are images showing how vegetations were grown on rocks... these rocks were brought to where they were by the glacier as it moves across the land... years after it melts and retreat, rocks held frozen by the ice were released.... few thousands of years later... mosses starts to grow on the rocks...

Dirt and moist gather on the mosses starts to form soil... and from soil... small vegetations starts to grow...

And a few more thousands of years later... we see native vegetations growing on the mosses and rocks...

Thousands of years ago, what you see below were covered by ice and rocks... all it takes is time and patience for things to happen... even if it may be a long and tedious process, it always pay to be patient.. that's what nature has thought us... on this trip to the tallest mountain in Kiwi...

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sucre Frozen on 10:12 AM


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